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Episode 12 – Put Profit First With David Richter

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Show Notes

David Richter has closed over 850 real estate deals over the last 7 years. His exit strategies include wholesale, turnkey, brrrr, owner finance, rentals, lease options, and any other one you can think of.While growing and building a real estate business from 5 deals a month to over 25 deals a month, he realized that he needed to make profit a priority to avoid perpetually spinning his wheels.

He has since gone on to write Profit First for Real Estate Investors, a derivative of the original Profit First by Mike Michalowicz.

Now, his goal is to completely transform the Real Estate Investing industry when it comes to how real estate investors view their finances.

Check out this interview where Bryan and David break it all down.

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Click Here To Buy Profit First For Real Estate Investing

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